Learning Bootcamp @BPSDM Jawa Barat
Learning Boorcamp 2023 @Cimahi, a starting point for people who concern on developing Next Gen CorpU
Learning Boorcamp is a new series of gathering event, which involve people from several organization practicing corporate university and learning center. This event is a part of Corporate University Summit that has been organized by PT Wahana Tatar Wirakelola (WTW) that already run in 6 series during last six years.
This event was done on 1 - 2 August 2023 and attended by more than 120 people from various organization. The speakers of this event are practician of Learning & People Development who has experienced the best practice of Corporate University :
- Dr. Hery Antasari - Head of BPSDM Jawa Barat
- Bambang Juli Iswanto - Head of Learning @BPPK - CorpU Ministry of Finance Indonesia
- Dr Ir Mustanginah - Head of CorpU Ministry of Research, Education and Culture Indonesia
- Rio Adrianto ST MBA - Head of CorpU PT PLN
- Sandri Justiana - Learning Specialist @ KPK
- Joseph Goh - DialogEDU Singapore
- Kun Wahyu Wardana - Director of PT Askrindo
- Anna Maria Ph.D. - Director of PT WTW, also CorpU Expert